Brain In A Box: 5 Disks of Science Fiction Sounds! You don't get the beautiful 3D hologram packaging that originally enclosed this stupendous set, but hey, it's out of print, so bett...
Happy 80th Birthday, Bob: MOOG BREAKBEATS 2014 Tomorrow, May 23rd, would have been Robert Moog's 80th birthday. When Mr. Synthesizer died in 2005, I quickly went thru my '60s/...
PRAISE THE LORDS: 3 ALBUMS OF GERMAN BEAT/PSYCH Recently we posted an album by " The Rattles ," a curious early German take on rock-n-roll. The Lords were another band from the ...
THE GREAT CELEBRITY SING-OFF Remember the wildly popular "Golden Throats" collections of singing celeb records? 'Twas one of the few areas where the strang...
Feliz Cinco de Mayo ¡Hola, amigos! Let's celebrate today by re-upping (is "re-upping" even a real word?) this collection of strange new takes on ...
The Big Beat A-Go-Go Sound of DYMAXION This intensely obscure band recorded these songs between 1995-1998 using methods I cannot quite figure. Clearly, there's a mixture here ...